The world according to Google Trends

According to in the world there are currently approximately 4,900,000,000 internet users, Parallel to this it is estimated in that the world population is around 7,800,000,000, perhaps when this article is published both figures are already exceeded. However, these figures show that more than 60% of the world's population already lives on the internet!

Now of that world population of internet users, reports that until the end of June 2020, 70.60% of Desktop / Laptop do their internet searches through Google, followed in second place by 13.02% by the search engine and the third place with 11.77% by (Chinese search engine), the rest of 4.61% of the searches are dispersed in more than 7 search engines including the formerly famous Yahoo.

Perhaps it is worth mentioning in the case of internet searches from phones, the preference is even higher since Google concentrates 93.76% at the end of June 2020.

What does it mean that Google has the preference of users when conducting their searches on the internet ?, This means that at least 3,459,400,000 of internet users carry out their searches there. that is to say that at least 44.35% of the world population stop by to carry out their searches, leaving of course a trace of what interests them in a moment.

What is the use of knowing what people are looking for? Perhaps an example like Cambridge Analytica helps with an answer. We see what can be created when you have access to the right data.

In the example cited, this company was able to build psychographic analyzes on voters (classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations and other psychological criteria) and through Microtargeting (influencing the decisions of customers, consumers or the general public), was able influence your decision to vote in various elections.

Today there are few companies that can say that they handle a significant number of people's data and it is perhaps correct to say that one of them is Facebook, which houses around 2,546,000,000 users, representing more than 30% of the planet's population.

Now, how many have access to part of that information, "it turns out that all of them", perhaps not at a detailed level that allows data mining, but enough to give us an overview of the interests of an important sample of humanity.

At the end of 2019 Google Trends shows us that in that year the search for heroes exploded with questions such as What types of superheroes are there ?, Real life superheroes? , People with superpowers? Heroes Anonymous? and Heroines, Super Mama or Super papa, what does this mean, because throughout the year there were so many searches focused not only on the heroes of comics, is it perhaps that the world is looking for a real savior?

Also in general searches we find the following list: 1 India vs South Africa (Sports), 2 Cameron Boyce (Death), 3 Copa America (Sports), 4 Bangladesh vs India (Sports), 5 iPhone 11 (Technologies), 6 Game of Thrones (Series and Movies), 7 Avengers: Endgame (Series and Movies), 8 Joker (Series and Movies), 9 Notre Dame (Incident), 10 ICC Cricket World Cup (Sports).

What Google Trends shows us about the 10 most searched topics in 2019, which 4 are topics related to Sports, that is to say 40% of the searches, other 3 topics refer to Series and Movies, that is to say 30%, which includes that 70% is in the hands of Sports, Series and Movies, and the other 30 percent is distributed among topics such as the Death of Cameron Boyce, the launch of the iPhone 11 and the Notre Dame fire.

In view of the previous result where searches related to topics that seemed more important (Environment, Wars or Poverty) were not seen in the first places, we reviewed the query on people and found the following result: 1 Antonio Brown (Sportsman), 2 Neymar (Athlete), 3 James Charles (Farandula), 4 Jussie Smollett (Farandula), 5 Kevin Hart (Farandula), 6 Billie Eilish (Showbiz), 7 Greta Thunberg (Activist), 8 R. Kelly (Showgirl), 9 Joaquin Phoenix (Entertainment), 10 Jordyn Woods (Entertainment).

The result is more marked, 20% on incidents related to athletes, 70% on topics related to Music Artists, Cinema or Social networks and only 1 Related to Environmental Activism by Greta Thunberg, no names of social fighters, politicians or businessmen.

As a last we review the trends in 2020 and not even the Coronavirus with all its repercussions achieves first place in the ranking of daily search trends in the US.

In summary, it seems that the world that Google Trends shows us, is more focused on topics focused on training and sports, it seems that internet searches give a reflection of the escape that human beings have when facing other topics of reality Everyday, it is as if the world chooses to avoid the big issues that require a lot of work and research and only looks for what generates pleasure. Could it be that reality became unbearable?.

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